Kodi - The Wizard of Home Theater PC Software

As an Ex-Pat living in Thailand, it is hard to find programming on normal TV that I can understand or is of interest to me. Because of this, I built myself a Home Theater PC (HTPC). The difference between an HTPC and a normal PC is more than just what it used for. It also comes down to software. With an HTPC you need an interface that is designed to be easily read from 6 feet, allows you to organize your media to make it easy to access, and convenient a method of control. This is where Kodi comes in.

Kodi is a feature rich piece of software that allows you to create your own custom TV box using a computer. With it you can organize all of your videos and music in such a way that it can be easily accessed using nothing more than a remote control. Through the use of plug-ins, you can access content from Youtube, PBS, and other sites from around the web. Kodi is also "cross-platform". That means it can be used not only on Windows, but Linux, Android, and iOS as well. Best of all, because Kodi is open source, it is free. You can find out more about Kodi and download from their website here: Link

In future posts I will discuss how to install and customize Kodi. So stay tuned for more!


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