
Showing posts from May, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Well, as you can probably tell from the title of this post, it is raining. It has been raining now for almost 3 full days. We are not talking a little rain here or a little rain there. We are talking full on gully washers! I think it did stop for about 20 min on Friday, but I think maybe I was dreaming! Well, it is only supposed to rain until a week from Tuesday. Hopefully I can stay sane! It is funny to watch us Americans around here. We, for the most part, seem to be afraid of the rain. They will huddle in the doorway not letting anyone in, and then give you a dirty look as you try to enter the store! What is even more funny, is to watch people cruise the parking lot for 15 min trying to find a spot close to the door. When one opens up, they are like a whole bunch of seagulls going after the same fish. They all rush to the spot at once, and then curse out the winner. Talk about insane! If they would just park and walk, they could get on with their business. The locals,